To darken the wood I've chosen a method which uses amonia fumes. The amonia reacts with tanins contained in oak wood and produces nice dark colour. This is the reason why oak furniture which is several hundreds years old, has such a dark colour - there is tiny amount of amonia in the atmosphere and the wood reacts with it. But the amount is so small, it takes decades or even centuries. But if you place newly build oak furniture in a closed space with high concentration of amonia fumes, you can achieve the same result during several hours or days.
I've built small "tent" from wooden sticks and polyethylene sheet around my cabinet a placed a plastic bowl with amonia inside.
My amonia water was a little bit old and not so strong as new one, so it took two day to achieve a colour I was aiming for. Then I let it stay outside for a few days to get rid of the smell and placed two coats of Den Braven St. Croix. It is an oil based finish containing linseed oil, tung oil and some other ingredients.
Here are pictures of finished cabinet and also a Youtube video with building process.
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